“It was the least I could do considering all the sh*t I used to steal from here”: Dwayne Johnson Buys Hundreds of Candy Bars From His Childhood 7-Eleven in a Wholesome Act of Redemption

Growing up poor means that you don’t have access to certain things that other people do. Sometimes that means you cut corners, skip meals, and sometimes even resort to crime to get needs met that otherwise would have been covered if you could afford to buy something. Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, a bodybuilder who turned into a WWE star who then became a prominent actor in Hollywood, has hidden a secret guilt from his childhood for years and has finally taken steps to right his wrongs. 


Dwayne grew up poor in the islands of Hawaii and because of his financial situation, he did some things that he is now not proud of. With his big dreams of becoming a fitness guru and a bodybuilding star, he had to resort to petty theft at his local convenience store in order to get the nutrition he needed for his workouts. When he was a teenager, he stole Snickers bars from his corner store 7-Eleven so that he could have some sustenance for his workouts.

Now, a 50-years-old and with millions in his bank account, he’s returned to the same 7-Eleven on his block to try and redeem his younger self and make up for those stolen purchases. As an A-list celebrity, he walked into this small store and pretty much everyone knew who he was instantly, especially since he grew up in the area, he’s become a bit of a local legend. 

Not only did he clean out their chocolate bar section, but Dwayne went the extra mile. Everyone that was waiting in line while his chocolate was being counted out got their groceries purchased as well. People can question his motives, but Dwayne obviously just wanted to do something nice that day to make up for past transgressions, which is something we can all aspire to do. He wholesomely went out of his way to make up for the nagging guilt in the back of his mind over something that seems meaningless now, but meant a whole lot to him back when he was 14. 

Not only that, but The Rock left behind this giant box of candy bars to be left on the counter, in case any other kids come in and look like they might try to steal something. Regardless of your feelings of his movies, his career, or his sense of humor, Dwayne Johnson seems like a pretty good dude deep down. 

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